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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas Morning

What a different kind of Christmas we find ourselves having this year. One weekend to celebrate with all of our family and friends. Only one child left at home, and a quiet Christmas Eve and morning. We tried to hold on to a few traditions. We went to church on Sunday, we delivered cookies to the police department and fire station, and I am sure we will have a nice dinner tonight (but will probably skip the desserts). I find as our family dynamics change and we grow older, Christmas traditions are sure to change for us. I have found that over the years, not only have my traditions slowly changed, but that my beliefs on Christmas have changed as well. I don't want to loose the magic of the season, but without a child's eyes to view Christmas through, this year it has somewhat lost its luster. Yet, I find in my soul a greater brightness associated with the day. See, over the years, I feel my religious beliefs have also slowly changed, and this blessed day, that was always held in high honor as it calls to remembrance the birth of our Savior, now has a fuller meaning. Jake and I were talking a bit about this last night. I have spent quite some time thinking about and redefining my religious beliefs (and though I hope I will never be finished doing so), I feel I have come a lot closer to what I need to believe for me. You know that whole "work out your OWN salvation with fear and trembling" is a scripture that has value to me. And for me, here is what Christmas means. I choose to believe in Jesus, and that today represents His birth. I do not believe that He came because God demanded His blood for my salvation, or that such great punishment was necessary to appease a righteous God to save my soul from hell. This for me, would ruin the whole story. It would take away from he beauty of a sacrificial love, and it would seriously make me question if that was the type of God I wanted to be called a child of (which actually explains a lot of Christians, but we aren't talking about that today). I told Jake last night for me Jesus is important. I am the type of person who needs saving. Saving not from the wrath of a righteous God, but saving from myself. Saving from my inability to forgive myself and see myself as worthy. I need that unfailing love that says I will lay down all I have and all I am for you. I believe the story of Jesus's birth, death, and resurrection, should not have the dark cloud of justification hanging over it, but should focus on the love displayed. If God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one as many groups believe, then God gave Himself for us. The view of God from the old testament would have to be warped by man's opinions and desire for justice, and not relevant at all to who God really is. I just can't get past God being LOVE. A God who loved us enough to leave the ease and beauty of heaven and join us in our struggles on earth. A God who wanted to demonstrate an unquestionable love in a way we could not deny. A God who came (or sent his son , depending on how you view it), to give us a gift we could pass on to others. LOVE. Pure unadulterated love. I believe the example set by Jesus is necessary to this heart. It is needed for me to move past my failures and know he still loves me this much. It is needed for me to feel that perfection is not required, and love is not earned, but freely given. I am one of those who need rescuing (while I want to be able to do a little rescuing myself). I need this display of love to give me the strength and desire to love and rescue others. Today I am grateful for the meaning of the season. And the meaning for me is another opportunity to recognize the indescribable love of God. A love I believe we are to not only receive, but give to others. May this Christmas bring love and peace to your hearts. A love that you cannot help but pass on!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Snowflakes and the # Me Too Movement

I don't even know how to start this article without being offensive, but I am going to try. Apparently now a days, you can breathe too heavily and be offensive, so I really shouldn't feel the need to be too gentle. I mean, in all honesty, the whole point of this post is to candidly ask why people can't grow up, put on their big girl panties and big boy boxers (and yes, I am aware some of you will find that statement sexist because God knows I would be remiss if I did not mention girls can wear boxers and boys can wear panties if they choose). I just think this morning's assault of Rudolph on line followed by the news that one of my favorite Christmas songs is no longer permissible has pushed me over the edge and my soapbox is calling my name. So with all of the #Metoo momentum (which I thoroughly believe is a sexist movement) it appears women have gotten tired of taking away the stories of real rape victims, tired of victimizing men they consented to sleep with and later regretted, and tired of being sexist towards men in general. Now we need to attack Christmas music and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. The idea that the song Baby It's Cold Outside is unacceptable while it songs like So Bad by Eminem and Rich Sex by Nicki Minaj are acceptable astound me. (And for your information my children had to help me with these because I don't listen to this genre). In fact, if the simple things in life can become taboo, you better take some classics off of the radio as well. I just don't understand these people who get offended by everything, who take their pills to make it through everyday life , who claim to be anxiety ridden and depressed, but haven't suffered half of what most people have gone through. You especially see it in our younger generation. They have grasped on to #Metoo, mental health awareness, safe spaces, pills for anxiety and depression, and any other club or organization that glorifies the difficult parts of life like they are drowning in a sea of reality and don't know how to survive. What happened to allowing your problems to make you. How are you supposed to learn and grow from the difficulties in life if you are too numb to feel them? Now while I am on this topic let me add that there people who truly have mental and emotional issues but, I believe they are a very small percentage of the people who use them as crutch to get through life. I believe this is all one big money racket for the mental health professionals and pharmaceutical companies. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE experiences anxiety and depression. Everyone goes through both self inflicted, and the natural course of life issues that make us angry, hurt, and even afraid. That is LIFE. We need to learn to deal with issues as they arise and push through them. In 2017 according to one in five Americans are medicated for anxiety or depression, and that number is rising. We were at 16% in 2015 and 20% two years later. This astounds me. Children are being medicated and labeled at an early age. Many people depend on a chemical to make it through everyday, ordinary life. And you wonder why we are surrounded by a world of snowflakes? This is why.... Well, I have already made a few enemies this morning, so let me push this a bit further. Want to hear a personal belief that I think will probably offend a number of you? While you want to take away the things that offend you, I think there are things that need to be taken away form those who can't cope. If you are unable to deal with the day to day without the help of an anxiety or depression medication I think you probably shouldn't have gun rights. Unless it is a special circumstance. You see, what all this mass flocking to #Metoo and mental health issues does, is it takes away the legitimacy from people who actually deal with deep issues. All of you women who are following a movement claiming how some rich and powerful man assaulted you (while you were probably using him to see what you could get), takes away the voice of a woman who was violently raped by her boss. While all of you 20 year olds who can't deal with a life you haven't even started to live yet, are living off of prescription drugs and talking about your PTSD, a soldier who had to see and participate in violent acts for your freedom looses his voice. And what about all of the people who have truly dealt with a traumatic life and carry through. How do you think your endless crying about difficulties that have barely touched you affect them? Well let me tell you from experience. From someone who has endured homelessness, assault (and though I rarely ever speak of it and many don't know, one instance of rape). I still have nightmares from things I experienced decades ago. I often wake up crying or afraid even though I am safe and loved. I legitimately had all the symptoms of PTSD when I first came of out of some of the hardest circumstances in my life. There have been a few times in the recent past when I have felt completely broken and defeated. But I choose to push on. I feel like all the sniveling people who can't cope with the day to day take away from those who have suffered and survived. I feel like the pharmaceutical industry keeps people from finding a real solution to their distress by taking their money and numbing their minds. I feel like most of these movements, while founded in the interest of hurting people have only caused more harm than good. What has truly helped me more than anything else in this life to get trough my struggles has been those who would listen to me and love me no matter where I stood mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually Those who would take time to talk to me and share their own problems and how they made it through. I can't lie, one time I saw a doctor and aske for a non-psychotic drug to help me through what I thought was an overwhelming moment. I took 1/2 of a pill and said never again. I will push through and make it. Not numb, not pacified, but learning to walk one step at a time and developing inner strength through the journey.